Event Updates and Communication:
All updates and communication will be shared via the Sportity App. Download the app called 'sportity'. Open the app and put in the password tbc.. All updates will go on here and if you have notifications turned on for the app, it will ping you when a new update has been added (approx once per month)​. Please note that this is the same update page as the 6 day event, so you will get all updates that include those as well, some might be relevant and some might not be
You can also access the racers updates via the 'racers updates' page on the website found on the menu tabs at the top
It is password protected - password is 3day. This will be just information relevant to the 3 day event put on here
Now you have no excuse to missing updates ;)
Those that opted to pay via e-transfer, you must put that transfer through within the next 1 hour.
Use the following email for the e-transfer:
Account Name will show as: Global Riding Adventures Inc and is set up for auto deposit so no password is needed
We will cross reference these every few days and you can check to see that we received it via the racers online spreadsheet found HERE (this link can also be found on the racers updates page on the website). Then click on the 3 day tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.
No-one plans to get sick or injured and the amount of times people say to me 'but I didn't get insurance as I didn't plan for it to happen to me'. Well that's just the point - no-one plans it and life just happens sometimes. I want you to be sure you cover your well earned entry for the amount we don't refund, so your insurance provider can get you all your pennies back that you put in.
We have partnered with Acera Insurance to help do the leg work / research for you and to be able to recommend a company to you that we know covers your entry for Trans BC / mountain biking / racing as we know it can be hard to find a company that covers racing and if you don't want to read all the small print of other companies!
Expect to pay approx 5-6% of the amount you want to cover for your trip cancellation. If you have to cancel due to injury or sickness or any of the other reason that the policy allows for, then they will give you a full refund to the amount that Trans BC doesn't refund you, so you aren't out of pocket a cent.
Click HERE to get a quote from Acera Insurance
DON'T RISK NOT GETTING A POLICY - 20% OF YOU WILL GET INJURED OR SICK BETWEEN NOW AND EVENT DATES! and at this price you would be silly not to protect yourselves. Please don't ask for a refund or transfer after refund dates, as it was your decision to not get coverage if you don't.
75% refund of full reg price - up to March 1, 2025
Equates to 50% refund of deposit payments for all inclusive
50% refund of full reg price - from March 1 to May 1, 2025
Equates to no refund on deposit paid for all inclusive
25% refund from May 1 to July 1, 2025
NO REFUNDS after July 1, 2025
For those of you on the All Inclusive Package - plan to arrive to Golden by dinner time on Tuesday September 9th
For those of you on the Self Support Package - plan to arrive in Golden by the morning of Wednesday September 10th by around 8am for reg and to start day 1 of the event
** NOTE: if we don't get 2 days approved for Revelstoke for trail permitting, the 3 day event will then start in Invermere so the above arrival locations will become Invermere and we will travel to Golden after racing day 1